Copyright rules are as follows:
- As a statement of intentions, I, author of this blog, declare that I consider it important that my work, which is conducted for my own entertainment and personal development, is also useful for the general public, but not at the cost of the blog being forgotten.
- Pictures presented in posts and pages are made by my myself, unless stated otherwise. Apart from own work, this blog also displays media from Wikimedia Commons and Unsplash and similar services, as long as the original license permits this. If they are neither my work nor part of public domain, then I will provide credit and, if applicable, license.
- The default license, for my own work, is Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Link to the license description is as follows: Details are presented further below.
- The default license applies blog-wise even if specific image or text does not directly specify it a license.
- The default license does not apply to embedded content by default.
- If license is specified towards a specific image or a fragment of text, that license takes priority, but its scope is limited to the extent of that piece, even if the other pieces do not have a license specified.
Default license – details
Under the default license mentioned above, which applies unless stated otherwise:
- You can share my photographs and cite my text, copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
- You can adapt, remix, transform, and build upon my material, for all purposes, and that includes commercial activity.
Under the conditions of:
- Attribution — you must give appropriate credit, which is satisfied by:
- Stating who the author is by using their blog nickname.
- Providing the link to the blog (
- Indicating if changes where made by providing a simple statement ‘Source material altered by us’ / ‘Source material unaltered’ or its translation to the language used on the website where the material is used.
- Not indicating in any way that would imply directly or indirectly that the licensor endorses you or your use.
- Providing the above in direct proximity to the material displayed, in legible font, without using external links.
- ShareAlike – if you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
User content
This blog allows, to an extent, activity by its readers. Those are different persons that author or authors of this blog and do not form part of its crew. Those people might upload content under their own licenses.
They also might pose risk in the sense of uploading content that infringes on someone else’s license. We do not endorse that in any way or sense and will within our reasonable capacity find and remove signs of it. However, as with any place on the Internet where active replies are possible, it might occur that you might find infringement of your work faster than we do. In this case, send a message at, not forgetting to prove that you are entitled to a complaint.
Website design defaults and embedded content
The blog displays some graphics or text as a result of usage of WordPress blogging system and its themes and plugins. To differentiate my modifications to those parts of the website from their default values, you must download and install the default software on your own and compare.
It might also include embedded content, such as YouTube videos. Those have their own licenses and do not fall under the blog’s default license, unless stated otherwise.
Requests of permissions
If you have any questions on whether you can use the materials in another way, under a different license, you must receive a permission first. Ask at